Top 15 daily tasks to be done on Youtube Channel to improve subscribers

  1. Upload your content daily
  2. Optimize each video with correct
    title (Use keyword)
    Description (Use keyword)
    Meta tags (Use keyword)
  3. Promote every video
    Facebook profiles/groups
    LinkedIN profiles/groups
    Instgram profile
  4. Add into the playlist
  5. Email your videos/playlist to the queries
  6. Reply To EVERY Comment
  7. Embed YouTube Videos in realted topic blog posts
  8. Q&A Sites – Quora:- Find questions and in answer share your video if its related to that question.
  9. Use End screen of the each video
  10. USE “i” annotations to recommend any video to your viewers
  11. Upload few seconds video via YouTube Stories
  12. The Social Media Preview – Trim a 30-90 second clip from a recent YouTube video. => Upload that clip as native video content. (Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter, Reddit, etc..) => include a link to your video as the first comment on the post
  13. Use the community section to post something every day
  14. Add Thumbnail image (idle size for YouTube Thumbnails are: 1280 x 720 pixels)

Additional TIPS

  1. Optimize Your Channel Page
    Recent Uploads
    Playlist 1
    Playlist 2
    Playlist 3
    Popular uploads
  2. Configure YouTube account defaults:- YouTube lets you add default settings for all your future uploads. You can use this feature to ask your users to subscribe to your videos in all your videos.
  3. Append your Channel URL with subscription string – ADD THIS after your channel name “?sub_confirmation=1”
  4. Write a Compelling Channel Description
  5. Add Channel trailer
  6. Track YouTube Analytics (Especially – your source of traffic)
  7. Always monitor your competitors or same niche channels to get more ideas

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