Top 19 Techniques for on-page optimization to improve site ranking in 2021

If you want to know some tips that can increase organic traffic to your website and in this article you will help you lot.

1. Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword Cannibalization occurs when one of your pages eats up another page’s traffic. That may be because the ranking for the same search on two (or more) pages with the same page are competing with each other.

Tips to Fix Keyword Cannibalization:

  • Find out if any page is cannibalizing other’s traffic. You can do that by searching “ keyword” on Google.
  • If you can’t change the context of the cannibalizing pages, merge their content and delete the least performing one.
  • If you can’t merge the pages, change the focus keyword, context, and anchor text.
  • You can also delete the page if you don’t need it on your website.
  • Use the rel=”canonical” attribute to define a page as the main page if 2 of your pages have similar content.

2. Keep User Intent at the Top

User intent means the user’s purpose behind a search. If your content does not meet it, then Google will rank you down.

In other words, we can say that if your content is to not provide what they are looking for, then it will create a bad user experience. And many algorithms to detect a poor user experience with Google and once you do it will crawl your page.

Tips to Satisfy User Intent:

  • Before you create a piece of content or updates, think about what kind of audience it will read.
  • Create a content marketing strategy based on your audience and niche for the production of relevant materials.
  • Stick to the topic or link that enables users to draw to your page.

Satisfy the user intent is one of the most effective strategies to promote organic traffic. The objective of this method is customer satisfaction. If you actually provide the necessary content to the readers, they come to your site again and again.

3. Focus on Improving Page Speed

This is an important factor to provide a better user experience.

If users are spending less time on your site, Google will lower your website’s rank. The lower your website, the less visibility you get. This ultimately affects your organic traffic as users find it harder to find your site.

Tips to Improve Page Speed:

  • Enable browser caching for faster website loading on return visits.
  • Reduce server response time to 200ms.
  • Remove the script that are not being used on the page.
  • Compress images under 100KB to use on your page.
  • Make your HTML, CSS, reduce the size of JavaScript files under 150KB.
  • Gtmetrix and Pingdom are the best tools that you can use to test the speed of loading your page time and site and improve it with these steps.
  • Check and improve your page loading speed and server response time for both mobile and desktop, to ensure that no visitors leave your site due to sluggish speed.

4. Optimize for Voice Search

Voice is looking to pick up text searches in the future. Smartphones are playing the most important role in enhancing voice search. And smart speakers like Amazon Echo, Google Home, etc.

Voice search queries target keywords long tail, there are easy to rank. In addition, many brands still do not optimize their content for voice-based queries which leaves an opportunity for you to improve your ranking.

If you start voice search optimization, you can generate massive organic traffic in the coming times.

Tips to Optimize for Voice Search:

  • Use schema markup best practices to help search engines understand what information your page contains. Schema markup which helps users to show results illustrated the search engines to explain better to click on it.
  • Create a FAQ page on your website.
  • Make your content more interactive that provides frequently spoken answers to language users.
  • Target long-tail Keywords.
  • Find local users must be listed on Google My Business to help.
  • Most optimize your content for mobile since the voice-based searches via mobile devices. Users of short paragraphs, lists, bullet points, so Google can display your content in the selected snippet.

5. Be Consistent with Content Updation

I think that if there is the easiest way, which can increase quickly your organic traffic, so it is updation content. I’m saying this on behalf of my experience.

Tips to follow when updating old content:

  • Do not start updating content without checking the content’s metrics.
  • Analyze user behavior with tools like Hotjar, check Google Analytics for various metrics. And also check the performance on Google Search Console.
  • Check whether there are any broken links on your page. If there are, fix it.
  • Do not forget to add multimedia elements to your pages updating.
  • Use short sentences and paragraphs in your content. Split your content with lists and sub-headings to make them easily readable and scannable.

6. Build Links Cleverly

Link Building is an excellent way to promote organic traffic.

When you add inbound or outbound links in your content, your pages get more visibility. As a result, more eyeballs on your web pages.

But about link building, one thing you should keep in mind. If it was not the right way, the link building may prejudicial to your website and you can cause penalties, account suspension and more. Thus, when you do that you need to make to build links to your pages do not violate any policies.

Tips to Do Better Link Building:

  • Use descriptive text for the link to understand that once you click on the link will be redirected to which page.
  • Avoid exchanging more than 2 reciprocal links from any website.
  • If you’re adding a link to the source, statistics or reports, make sure it is not too old.
  • If you are an outbound link to a website, check whether it generates actual and reliable materials.
  • Use internal linking to redirect users to another page, a page to raise the average time on your pages.

7. Do Not Overlook Mobile Devices

More than half of users are using mobile to access the Internet. And if you do not give them a bad experience, so that you can lose huge traffic. This will mean providing a mobile friendly experience that can boost organic traffic to your website.

Tips to Optimize Your Site for Mobile:

  • Code your mobile site on HTML5.
  • If categories in your website, define them clearly for easy navigation.
  • Try to avoid pop-ups.
  • Create responsive to your website so that it can be a flexible and adjustable design according to the size of the screen.
  • Provides easy navigation on your site because the user does not have a keyboard or shortcuts to navigate your site.

8. Target Relevant Keywords

Keyword targeting is a key way to drive traffic to your site. And targeting different keywords, you can generate good organic traffic. That’s because if you target a keyword that receives good traffic, but is not related to your niche, you will be wasting your time and resources to produce that piece of content. And it will not produce the desired results or traffic.

Tips to Target Relevant Keywords:

  • Understand the intent of the keyword before writing content on it.
  • Using Semantic or related keywords because they have huge potential to drive organic traffic to your pages.
  • If you want to increase sales or conversion through your content, targeted keywords with high CPC.
  • Target keywords that are related to your niche.
  • To find the most relevant keywords using SEO tools like SEMrush.

9. Start Blogging

If you want to increase access to its biological, then cover more keywords, blogging may be the best option for you. It’s free, enhances your reputation gives excellent results, and market.

Tips to Write Amazing Blogs That Generate Traffic:

  • Do not try to exceed the word count of any blog or stop him because you saw better blog post this length.
  • Write at least 8-10 headlines for every blog post and choose the best of them.
  • Always proofread at least 2 times after completing his articles.
  • Optimize your content, title and URL for better readability, SEO and CTR.
  • Create shareable blogs like stat-related blogs, expert roundups, etc.

10. Listen to Your Current Metrics

If you are willing to drive more organic traffic to your website, you should analyze your current data.

Check your existing data can provide some information in minutes. And it requires usually really brainstorm on which will help you understand the data to generate new ideas.

When you analyze your data, you know how users will interact with your website. It is better capability enables you to those amendments which run organic traffic. But data analysis requires several different ways to let me tell you about something I think of them.

Tips to Analyze Your Data for Better Insights:

  • Check how much you’re getting organic, referrals and social traffic. And you are getting traffic from these platforms.
  • How much traffic is going to change? And which elements are leaving them?
  • Find the check bounce rate of your overall website and the reasons behind it.
  • See visitor video, Hitmaps, scrolling map, through tools such as Hotjhr like funnel performance. It will understand better the behavior of your visitors.
  • Use Google Analytics to understand visitor behavior on your pages. Your page is so attractive, visitors learn pages / sessions, returning to it, check the amount of time and so on.

11. Analyze your competitors, but do not copy them

If you are in business, you have certainly competitive. Competitors can eat your business but sometimes they can give you great insight.

So if you want to promote organic traffic to your website, you can spy to gain insight from their competitors.

Tips to Analyze Your Competitors:

  • First identify who your real contestants are.
  • See content of their website and their top performance.
  • Check out their best selling products.
  • Analyze their cost structure, unique selling offers, and where you and they are lacking.
  • You can improve your website, products, content, SEO, or anything else.

12. Embrace Video in Your Content Marketing

Videos are super important for your business. Compared to text-based blogs, this is the kind of content that people like to consume.

People like to watch videos and interact. This is why videos generate more traffic, engagement.

Thus, if you create a complete video marketing strategy, you can not only boost organic traffic, but also conversion to your website.

Tips to Create Awesome Videos:

  • Make a world-class introduction. If your introduction is not attractive, so visitors will leave within the first 10 seconds of your video.
  • Try to keep your video short. If this is not possible, you can split the single video into separate episodes.
  • Transcribe your video content to convert.
  • Do not compromise with the audio. If you have to use the best audio tools for perfect audio quality, because users will not see your video, if they do not sound good.
  • Editing is where magic happens. I forgot who said it but it’s true.

13. Rank in People Also Ask(PAA) Section

Ranking in the People Also Ask or PAA section can give a significant push to your organic traffic.

If you can not try to rank for a keyword and secure a place on Google’s first page, you can target box People Also Ask. It is very easy to rank there and very few brands write content that can appear in this section.

Tips to Rank in People Also Ask Section:

  • Search for pages in your niche that rank for multiple keywords. You can use tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs etc.
  • Find keywords that are ranking for the current page.
  • Look for the questions that are already in the people’s questions section.
  • While writing those questions and answers do not forget the intent of the user.
  • Also check whether you are already ranking on any questions of them.
  • Writing thorough research and all the information before you start that meets the intent of the searcher.

14. Get Engaged with Others in Your Niche

Marketing is the world of give and take. If you want other people involved with your content, you should be involved with others. And getting involved with others will also help you drive traffic to your website.

Tips to Engage with Others in Your Niche:

  • You can comment on those blogs that are similar to your niche. When you post comments, many websites ask for the URL of your website. If you post the link there, you increase your chances for others to click on the link that will take them to your site.
  • If you get comments on your articles, don’t forget to reply.
  • Like the blog, you can attach a YouTube video in your niche.
  • Do not hesitate to link the content of others. Also if possible and the content is genuine, pass link juice. If they find that you are able to link their content, so they can link back to you.
  • Also connect with people on platforms like Quora and Reddit and resolve their issues. But remember, do not promote on these platforms or you suspend your account.
  • Connect and connect with other brands on social media.

15. Aim for Featured Snippets

Especially snippets are a rich source to increase organic traffic.

Reports say, 26% of clicks go to the first URL if there is no specific snippet. And if there is, the URL just below the featured snippet gets 19.6% clicks.

It shows that if you get snippets, then chances are that you will not get more clicks and traffic.

Tips to Boost Chances of Getting Featured Snippet:

  • Use bulleted or numbered lists in your blog.
  • Identify your audience to ask what kind of question.
  • Write content that answers those questions the best.
  • Try adding a Q & A page on its website to better your chances of ranking in snippets. It will also help you to rank for voice searches.
  • Keep your answers between 50 and 55 words for a chance to get a featured snippet.
  • If you cannot explain the concept under 55 words, try dividing it with subsections in separate steps.

16. Create and Optimize XML Sitemap

The XML Sitemap contains a list of all the important pages available on your website. You could say that it helps to understand the roadmap to a type of your website that Google structure your website.

An XML sitemap Google also helps identify the important pages of your website. Because you want all your pages to rank but sometimes you create pages that are not linked to any other page on your website like orphaned pages.

An XML sitemaps help Google crawl your pages, a customized sitemap can increase the visibility and ranking of your pages. And as a result will increase organic traffic.

You can use the Yoast SEO plugin to create your XML sitemap.

Tips to Create and Optimize Your XML Sitemap:

  • Create and submit your sitemap to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Before you submit your sitemap, make sure there are no errors.
  • 50 MB is the maximum file size for a sitemap. But you should try to keep it as low as possible.
  • XML generated dynamically sitemaps because they are faster than Sitemap statistically generated.
  • Be sure to refer to your Sitemap index URL in your robots.txt file.
  • When you are making major changes to the page, only change the modification time of your page.

17. Be Found on Google My Business(GMB)

Another indirect assistant to give you better rank on search engines is Google My Business (GMB).

Moz says that Google My Business is a major ranking factor in the local map searches. GMB will easily find your website to local users to list their business on and physically too will reach you.

Tips to Rank Better on Google My Business:

  • Go to or use the Google My Business application to set up your business account on Google Maps.
  • Provide all possible information on GMB such as business name, description, photo, video, open-hours, contact information, etc.
  • Always reply to queries and reviews.
  • Character limit for the description of GMB 750. Include the best items in your brand in that section. You can also use keywords in it.

18. Visuals Are The New Normal

That’s why stories are boring and users prefer to consume those goods that they can see and hear.
Reports say that people are only 20% remember what they read rather see 80% of which are on a large scale. So you can estimate the importance of visuals with this data.

Text is important. We can not replace text, but some can be used in other places where it can get better effect.

Here visuals like pictures, infographics, videos come in handy. You can use them to make your posts more attractive. This will cause the increase will increase user engagement, read the full article and resident time of your website.

This gives a good indication on UX which can help you rank higher on SERPs. Even this page has 4 videos and 14 images.

Tips to Increase Your Traffic Through Visuals:

  • Instead of writing a statement in plain text, you can show it in an image.
  • Try embedding videos and infographics on your blog posts, articles or other pages wherever needed.
  • These days memes and GIFs are trending. Use them wherever possible.
  • Write a descriptive composite text for the images you are using. The users will help in the understanding that if the picture is what type of image it successfully are not loaded.
  • You can use keywords in your images because images can also run traffic or blog.
  • If you write articles with lots of sub-points, you can also create an infographic to demonstrate those points.

19. Try Guest Blogging

Guest blogging another way of blogging. And it can help you a lot to drive traffic. In guest blogging, you can post guest authors on other websites and vice versa.

Guest blogging because it gives more exposure to your content when you submit articles to other websites, to reach their audience. And increase the possibility of bringing them to your website and if they have a good experience, so they can recommend others to your brand.

Tips to Drive Traffic Through Guest Blogging:

  • Do not post them on websites that are not related to your niche.
  • Ads, pop-ups and avoid posting on websites full of other disturbing elements. People do not like to read material on such sites.
  • Can always offer 3 or more topics written by you. Their website will already have a lot of blogs, so you must have a backup.
  • Many websites that accept guest postings, their different directions. Read them carefully before making contact.
  • Create a unique and solid your pitch and let them have no reason to reject.
  • Do not forget to add a link to your website in the guest post written.
  • Before accepting guest posts on your website, nearby site of reliability, such as domain scores, check the spam score more.

A complete strategy is needed to climb SERPs, maximize your organic traffic increase profits and sales.

Using these tricks from your SEO campaign can come back and more likely to be in 2021 and then more visibility.