Is on-page SEO more important than off-page SEO?

Google one the most used search engine of times, that  holds more than 87.28% of the search engine market in 2021, Google is most widely used search engine in almost every circumstance whereas around 50% of all website traffic comes from organic searches.  According to recent studies, Leads generation and sales revenue from SEO practise are more in compare to those generated through traditional marketing ad campaigns. Google ranking factor depends on-page and off-page SEO for a website.

In this blog we will discuss everything about SEO, On-page SEO and Off-page SEO and also we will look at their importance too for a website to rank on search engine. So let’s start with SEO:

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process that is execute for improving the quality and to gain quantity of traffic to a website from a search engine like Google. This is the process which improve your sites visibility on search engine when users search for products or services that is related to your business or brand in Google, Bing, and other search engines.

Having a website with good SEO can make a significant difference as to how many pages deep you rank. If you are a smaller, local business then on focusing attention to Local SEO efforts are more important than ever. There are mainly 2 types of SEO to be focusing on:

  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO

On-page SEO

On Page SEO include the type of activities that is execute on website, such as content modification on your website. As a SEO professional you will have to know that content (Content is the king) is everything in this domain.

Types of On-page SEO

  • Optimization of Content
  • Meta titles
  • Meta Descriptions
  • Using ALT tags for images
  • Good website speed
  • Mobile friendly
  • Use of H1 tags

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is not similar as On-page SEO, all that work which is execute outside the webpages. Off-page SEO is all about creating exposure and trust for your company and establishing the communication to your target audience on social platform, which ultimately can result in more visitors and sales.

Types of Off-page SEO

  • Blogs writing
  • SBM
  • Link building
  • Social media marketing
  • Reviews on 3rd party sites
  • Guest blogging and many more.

Is on-page SEO more important than off-page SEO?

There is no such kind of answer for this question, both are important from there prospect, we cannot achieve our goal of ranking to the top without one of them.

It’s not about choosing between On-page and off-page SEO, for example if you building a house and it is totally like to choose between a foundation and a roof for your house, and you know both are important for your house with complete foundation. On-page and off-page SEO work together to improve your search engine rankings. So lastly, there isn’t an easy answer because both should be part of your overall digital strategy.  If you’re not sure where to start in reviewing your SEO efforts, I would like to suggest you, one of the best institute for Digital Marketing Course, It gives you complete information about SEO, and after completion of this course you have much confidence to start your career as a Digital marketer.

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