What are the differences between Docker and Kubernetes?

These days one question I am getting frequently is that “what are the differences between Docker and Kubernetes?”

The question itself is like comparing two different fruits like apples to oranges. They are not alternatives to each other. It may be quite contrary to say – but we can say that Kubernetes can run without Docker and Docker can also run without Kubernetes. But if we will use them in combination these tools can greatly benefit the organizations.

But, before knowing the difference – first, let’s understand what is Docker and Kubernetes?

Before knowing what is Docker? – Let’s see what were the problems before Docker existed? Earlier the dev team used to send the code to the testers, but most of the time due to various dependencies the code could not run on the tester machines, but it worked fine on the developer’s machines

Docker removed this issue called “dependencies”. It makes it extremely easy for organizations to run applications in a similar environment without facing any issues of dependencies or OS as Docker provides its own OS libraries.

The Development Team and the testing team now have the same system running on Docker containers. It allows to “Build, Ship, and Run applications, Anywhere.” If it works on your machine, it will work on others’ machines too. It packages up the services comprising an application and makes them portable across different compute environments, for both developers, testers, and production uses.

While Docker provides an open standard for packaging and distributing containerized applications, still there are problems that need to be tackled down like:-

  1. How containers can be coordinated and scheduled?
  2. How to seamlessly upgrade an application without interrupting the services?
  3. How to monitor the health of the application and know when something goes wrong and seamlessly restart it?

What is Kubernetes?

Then, the solution comes as a Container Orchestration tool called – Kubernetes. It can handle the container management responsibilities like container deployment, scaling, healing, and load balancing of containers. Docker helps us to create containers, and Kubernetes allows us to manage them at runtime.

Now. I hope you got the concept of both the tools and there is nothing like to compare which is better – but still, if we want to know the differences then here it is;-

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