List of Popular Guest Websites and Link Buildings

What is Link Building?

Link building is a digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that involves the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. These hyperlinks, also known as backlinks or inbound links, play a crucial role in determining a website’s search engine ranking and overall visibility on the internet. Link building is a fundamental aspect of SEO because search engines like Google use backlinks as one of their primary ranking factors.

Here’s how link building works and why it’s important:

  • Search Engine Ranking: Search engines consider backlinks as votes of confidence from other websites. If a website has many high-quality backlinks, search engines are more likely to rank it higher in search results, assuming that it contains valuable and authoritative content.
  • Authority and Trust: Backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites can help establish your website’s credibility and trustworthiness in your niche or industry. When well-known and respected websites link to your content, it reflects positively on your own site.
  • Traffic Generation: Backlinks can also drive direct traffic to your website. When users click on a link on another website that leads to your content, they are introduced to your site, potentially increasing your audience and customer base.
  • Diversity and Quality: It’s not just about the quantity of backlinks but also the quality and diversity. High-quality, relevant, and contextually appropriate backlinks are more valuable than a large number of low-quality links. Search engines are sophisticated enough to distinguish between them.

Link building can be done through various strategies, including:

  • Content Marketing: Creating valuable and shareable content that naturally attracts backlinks from other websites.
  • Outreach and Guest Posting: Reaching out to other website owners or bloggers to request guest posting opportunities or to suggest relevant content for their sites.
  • Social Media: Sharing your content on social media platforms can lead to organic sharing and linking from other users.
  • Online Directories: Submitting your website to relevant online directories and industry-specific listings.
  • Broken Link Building: Identifying broken links on other websites and suggesting your content as a replacement.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyzing the backlink profiles of your competitors and identifying opportunities to gain similar links.
  • Link Earning: Focusing on creating content and resources that are so valuable and unique that other websites naturally want to link to them.

It’s essential to approach link building ethically and avoid black-hat SEO techniques, such as buying links or engaging in link schemes, as these practices can result in penalties from search engines and harm your website’s reputation. Instead, the emphasis should be on building high-quality, relevant, and natural backlinks that genuinely benefit users and contribute to your website’s authority and visibility.

How to do Link Building?

Link building is an essential aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that can help improve your website’s search engine rankings, authority, and overall online visibility. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do link building effectively:

  1. Set Clear Goals:
  • Determine your link building goals. Are you aiming to increase organic search traffic, improve brand visibility, or establish authority in your industry? Knowing your objectives will guide your link-building strategy.

2. Keyword Research:

  • Identify relevant keywords and phrases related to your niche or industry. These keywords will help you target the right websites and create content that attracts links naturally.

3. Content Creation:

  • Create high-quality, valuable, and shareable content. This could include blog posts, infographics, videos, case studies, whitepapers, or interactive tools.
  • Ensure your content is unique, informative, and addresses the needs or interests of your target audience.

4. On-Page SEO:

  • Optimize your content for on-page SEO by using relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags, headings, and ensuring fast page load times.

5. Identify Link Opportunities:

  • Use SEO tools to identify websites and pages that link to your competitors or cover topics related to your content.
  • Look for broken links or outdated content on other websites in your niche that you can help fix or replace with your content.

6. Outreach and Relationship Building:

  • Reach out to website owners, bloggers, and influencers in your niche.
  • Craft personalized and compelling outreach emails that explain why linking to your content would be valuable to their audience.
  • Building relationships with industry influencers and peers can lead to natural link opportunities over time.

7. Guest Posting:

  • Contribute guest posts to authoritative websites in your industry. Include a relevant and informative bio with a link back to your site.
  • Ensure that the content you provide is high-quality and adds value to the host website’s audience.

8. Social Media Promotion:

  • Share your content on social media platforms to increase its visibility and encourage others to link to it.
  • Engage with your audience and foster discussions around your content.

9. Online Directories and Local Listings:

  • Submit your website to reputable online directories and industry-specific listings.
  • Ensure that your business information is consistent and up-to-date across all listings.

10. Monitor and Measure:

  • Use SEO tools to track your backlink profile, monitor your website’s performance in search results, and analyze the impact of your link-building efforts.
  • Adjust your strategy based on what’s working and what isn’t.

11. Avoid Black-Hat Tactics:

  • Never engage in unethical practices like buying links, participating in link schemes, or using automated link-building tools. These can lead to penalties from search engines.

12. Patience and Persistence:

  • Link building is an ongoing process that takes time to yield results. Be patient and persistent in your efforts, and continue to build relationships within your industry.

Remember that the quality and relevance of the links you build are more important than the quantity. Focus on earning natural and valuable backlinks that genuinely benefit your target audience, and your link-building efforts will contribute to the long-term success of your website.

Benefits for Link Building?

Link building offers several benefits for websites and online businesses when done effectively and ethically. Here are some of the key advantages of link building:

  1. Improved Search Engine Rankings:
  • High-quality backlinks from authoritative websites can boost your website’s search engine rankings. Search engines view these links as a vote of confidence in your content’s quality and relevance.

2. Increased Organic Traffic:

  • Higher search engine rankings lead to increased organic (non-paid) traffic to your website. When your site appears on the first page of search results, more users are likely to click on your link.

3. Enhanced Website Authority:

  • Building a diverse and authoritative backlink profile establishes your website as a trusted and authoritative source within your niche or industry.

4. Greater Brand Visibility:

  • When your content is linked to by other reputable websites, it increases your brand’s visibility and exposure to a broader audience. This can lead to more brand recognition and trust.

5. Targeted Referral Traffic:

  • Backlinks can drive direct traffic to your site when users click on links from other websites to access your content. This traffic is often more targeted and engaged because it comes from users interested in your niche.

6. Credibility and Trust:

  • Backlinks from reputable sources enhance your website’s credibility and trustworthiness. Users are more likely to trust and engage with content linked from trusted websites.

7. Enhanced Content Promotion:

  • Link building is a form of content promotion. It encourages others to share and promote your content, extending its reach beyond your immediate audience.

8. Competitive Advantage:

  • Outranking your competitors in search results can give you a competitive advantage. Effective link building can help you surpass your competitors in terms of search engine visibility.

9. Long-Term Investment:

  • High-quality backlinks can provide lasting benefits. Unlike some marketing tactics that require ongoing investment, well-established links continue to drive traffic and improve SEO over time.

10. Networking Opportunities:

  • Link building often involves building relationships with other website owners, bloggers, and influencers in your industry. These connections can lead to collaboration opportunities, guest posting invitations, and more.

11. Content Validation:

  • When other websites link to your content, it serves as validation that your content is valuable and authoritative, further enhancing its perceived quality.

12. Adaptability and Flexibility:

  • Link-building strategies can be adapted to suit your specific goals, whether you’re focused on local SEO, e-commerce, content marketing, or other online business models.

It’s important to note that link building should be approached with a focus on quality rather than quantity. Building spammy or low-quality links can have a negative impact on your website’s reputation and search engine rankings. Ethical and sustainable link-building practices, combined with valuable and relevant content, are the keys to reaping the benefits of link building in the long term.

Top Free Websites for Link Building

There are several free websites and online platforms that you can use to help with your link-building efforts. These websites can assist you in finding potential link-building opportunities, monitoring your backlink profile, and building relationships with other webmasters. Here are some of the top free websites for link building:

  1. Google Search (search engine):
  • Use Google to search for websites, blogs, or forums in your niche where you can potentially contribute content or engage in discussions that lead to natural backlinks.

2. Google Alerts (

  • Set up alerts for specific keywords or phrases related to your industry. You’ll receive email notifications whenever new content containing those keywords is published, allowing you to identify opportunities for outreach and link building.

3. Google Analytics (

  • Monitor your website’s traffic and identify referring domains and pages that are already linking to your content. This can help you understand your existing link profile.

4. Google Search Console (

  • This tool provides valuable insights into your website’s performance in Google’s search results. You can also use it to discover which websites are linking to your content.

5. Google My Business (

  • If you have a local business, optimizing your Google My Business listing can help you earn local citations and backlinks from authoritative local directories.

6. Bing Webmaster Tools (

  • Similar to Google Search Console, this tool helps you monitor your website’s performance in Bing’s search results and provides insights into your backlink profile.

7. Open Site Explorer by Moz (

  • Moz offers a limited number of free link analysis queries per month. You can use this tool to explore your backlink profile and analyze your competitors’ links.

8. Ahrefs Backlink Checker (

  • Ahrefs also provides a free backlink checker that allows you to view a limited number of backlinks to any website. This can be useful for basic backlink analysis.

9. Buzzsumo (

  • While Buzzsumo offers a paid version, you can use its free version to identify popular content in your niche. This information can guide your content creation and outreach efforts.

10. LinkedIn (

  • LinkedIn is a valuable platform for building professional relationships within your industry. Connect with influencers, bloggers, and potential partners who may be interested in your content.

11. Quora (

  • Participating in relevant discussions on Quora and providing helpful answers can lead to opportunities to link back to your content when it’s relevant to the conversation.

12. Reddit (

  • Engage in niche-specific subreddits by sharing valuable content and contributing to discussions. Be cautious not to spam or self-promote excessively, as Reddit has strict rules against it.

Remember that while these tools and platforms are free, successful link building often requires time, effort, and a strategic approach. Focus on creating valuable content, building relationships with others in your industry, and identifying opportunities for ethical link building to achieve the best results.

What is Guest Posting?

Guest posting, also known as guest blogging, is a content marketing and SEO strategy where an individual or company writes and publishes articles or blog posts on websites or blogs that are owned by others. The primary purpose of guest posting is to reach a wider audience, build backlinks to the author’s or company’s website, and establish authority and credibility within a specific niche or industry.

Here’s how guest posting typically works:

  1. Identifying Guest Posting Opportunities:
  • Authors or content marketers search for websites or blogs that accept guest posts. These websites should be relevant to the author’s niche or industry.

2. Pitching Content Ideas:

  • The author reaches out to the website owner or editor with a pitch for a guest post. The pitch usually includes a proposed topic, a brief outline, and an explanation of how the post will provide value to the website’s audience.

3. Content Creation:

  • If the pitch is accepted, the author writes a high-quality and informative article or blog post according to the website’s guidelines and style. The content should be unique, well-researched, and tailored to the target audience.

4. Submission and Review:

  • The author submits the content to the website owner or editor for review. They may request revisions or make editorial suggestions to ensure the content aligns with their publication standards.

5. Publication:

  • Once the content is approved, it is published on the host website with a byline that typically includes the author’s name, a brief bio, and a link back to the author’s own website or blog.

The benefits of guest posting include:

  1. Backlink Building: Guest posts often include a link back to the author’s website, which can improve the author’s site’s search engine rankings by increasing its authority and trustworthiness.
  2. Increased Exposure: Guest posts allow authors to reach a new and often larger audience, increasing brand visibility and potentially driving more traffic to their website.
  3. Establishing Authority: Publishing high-quality content on reputable websites helps authors establish themselves as experts or thought leaders in their field.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Guest posting fosters relationships with other bloggers, website owners, and influencers within the author’s niche, potentially leading to future collaboration and opportunities.
  5. Content Promotion: It’s an effective way to promote your content and ideas to a broader audience beyond your immediate readership.

However, it’s important to note that effective guest posting requires a strategic and ethical approach:

  • Focus on providing value to the host website’s audience rather than solely self-promotion.
  • Ensure that the content is well-researched, informative, and free of promotional content or excessive links to your own site.
  • Respect the guidelines and editorial standards of the host website.
  • Avoid overusing anchor text links with exact match keywords, as this can be seen as spammy by search engines.
  • Be transparent about your affiliations and interests when writing guest posts.

By adhering to best practices and creating high-quality content, guest posting can be a valuable addition to your content marketing and SEO strategy.

What is the advantage of Guest Posting?

Guest posting offers several advantages for individuals, businesses, and content creators when executed effectively. Here are the key advantages of guest posting:

  1. Backlink Building: One of the primary benefits of guest posting is the opportunity to include backlinks to your own website within the content or in your author bio. These backlinks can improve your website’s search engine rankings by increasing its authority and trustworthiness.
  2. Increased Website Traffic: Guest posting on authoritative websites with a large and engaged audience can drive targeted traffic to your own site. Readers who find your guest posts interesting are more likely to click on the links to learn more about you and your offerings.
  3. Enhanced Online Visibility: Guest posting allows you to expand your online presence and reach a wider audience. It exposes your content, ideas, and expertise to a new set of readers who may not have been aware of your website or brand otherwise.
  4. Authority and Credibility: Contributing valuable and well-researched content to reputable websites can establish you as an authority or thought leader in your niche or industry. This helps build trust and credibility with your target audience.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Guest posting can lead to valuable connections within your industry. Building relationships with other bloggers, website owners, and influencers can result in collaboration opportunities, joint ventures, and increased exposure for your brand.
  6. Content Promotion: It’s an effective way to promote your content to a wider audience. Guest posts often include links to related content on your website, driving readers to explore more of your content.
  7. Diversified Content: Guest posting allows you to diversify your content and reach audiences on different platforms and websites. This can be especially beneficial if you’re looking to expand beyond your blog or website.
  8. Improving Writing and Communication Skills: Regularly creating content for different audiences and platforms can help you refine your writing and communication skills, making you a more effective communicator and content creator.
  9. Referral Traffic: Even after your guest post is published, it can continue to generate traffic to your website over time as readers discover and engage with your content.
  10. Exposure to Different Audiences: Guest posting on various websites exposes your content to different demographics and interests, allowing you to tailor your messaging to diverse groups.
  11. Influence Building: Over time, consistent guest posting can help you build a loyal following and influence within your niche, which can lead to more opportunities and a larger audience.
  12. Feedback and Validation: Guest posts can serve as a form of validation, as other reputable websites are willing to feature your content. You may also receive valuable feedback and comments from readers that can help you refine your ideas and content.

To maximize the advantages of guest posting, it’s essential to focus on creating high-quality, informative, and valuable content that resonates with the host website’s audience. Additionally, maintaining ethical and transparent practices is crucial for building and maintaining positive relationships with other website owners and readers.

How Guest Posting is Beneficial?

Guest posting, when done effectively, offers several significant benefits for both the contributor (the person or organization creating the guest post) and the host website. Here are the ways in which guest posting is beneficial:

Benefits for the Contributor (Guest Poster):

  1. Backlink Building: Guest posting allows you to include links to your own website within the content or author bio. These backlinks can improve your website’s search engine rankings by increasing its authority and trustworthiness.
  2. Increased Website Traffic: By contributing to a website with an existing audience, you can attract visitors to your own site. Readers who find your guest post valuable are more likely to click on the links to your website.
  3. Enhanced Online Visibility: Guest posting exposes your content, ideas, and expertise to a new and potentially larger audience. This increases your online visibility and can lead to increased brand recognition.
  4. Authority and Credibility: Contributing high-quality content to reputable websites can establish you as an authority or thought leader in your niche or industry. This builds trust and credibility with your target audience.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Guest posting can lead to valuable connections within your industry. Building relationships with other bloggers, website owners, and influencers can result in collaboration opportunities, joint ventures, and increased exposure for your brand.
  6. Content Promotion: Guest posts often include links to related content on your website, driving readers to explore more of your content.
  7. Diversified Content: Guest posting allows you to diversify your content and reach audiences on different platforms and websites. This can be especially beneficial if you’re looking to expand beyond your blog or website.
  8. Referral Traffic: Even after your guest post is published, it can continue to generate traffic to your website over time as readers discover and engage with your content.
  9. Exposure to Different Audiences: Guest posting on various websites exposes your content to different demographics and interests, allowing you to tailor your messaging to diverse groups.
  10. Influence Building: Consistent guest posting can help you build a loyal following and influence within your niche, which can lead to more opportunities and a larger audience.

Benefits for the Host Website:

  1. Quality Content: Guest posts contribute valuable and fresh content to the host website, providing additional value to its audience.
  2. Diverse Perspectives: Guest contributors bring unique viewpoints, expertise, and insights, adding diversity to the website’s content and enhancing its overall quality.
  3. Expanded Reach: Guest posts can introduce the host website to new audiences, increasing its traffic and potentially attracting new readers and subscribers.
  4. Networking and Collaboration: Hosting guest contributors can lead to networking opportunities and collaboration with other experts and influencers in the industry.
  5. Content Variety: Guest posts can cover topics or angles that the host website may not have the resources or expertise to explore, offering a broader range of content for readers.
  6. Improved SEO: High-quality guest posts with relevant backlinks can contribute to the host website’s search engine optimization efforts, potentially increasing its search rankings.
  7. Engaged Audience: Engaging guest posts can encourage readers to stay on the website longer, reducing bounce rates and improving user engagement.
  8. Fresh Ideas: Guest contributors may introduce fresh ideas and perspectives, helping to keep the content on the host website up-to-date and relevant.

Overall, guest posting is a win-win strategy when both the contributor and host website benefit. However, it’s important for both parties to ensure that the content is high-quality, relevant, and valuable to the audience to maximize the advantages of guest posting. Additionally, ethical and transparent practices should be maintained throughout the process.

Top Websites for Free Guest Posting & Quality Backlinks

  1. DevOps School ( DevOps School provides a dual opportunity for link building and free guest posting. Writers can contribute articles on DevOps practices and gain backlinks while engaging with a community of tech enthusiasts.
  2. SCM Galaxy ( SCM Galaxy offers a platform for free link building and guest posting related to software configuration management. Contributors can share insights and gain backlinks within the SCM and DevOps community.
  3. Best DevOps ( Best DevOps invites writers for free link building and guest posting on the best practices in DevOps. Contributors can explore CI/CD pipelines, cloud technologies, and gain backlinks from a relevant audience.
  4. Gurukul Galaxy ( Gurukul Galaxy offers educators the chance for free link building and guest posting. Writers can contribute articles on educational topics and innovative teaching methods while earning backlinks.
  5. AI Universe ( AI Universe provides a platform for free link building and guest posting focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Writers can share insights, engage with a tech audience, and earn backlinks.
  6. DevOps Consulting ( DevOps Consulting offers opportunities for both free link building and guest posting in the DevOps field. Writers can contribute articles on implementation, collaboration, and earn backlinks within the tech community.
  7. DevOps Freelancer ( DevOps Freelancer welcomes freelancers for free link building and guest posting. Writers can share freelancing experiences, gain backlinks, and connect with professionals in the tech industry.
  8. DevOps Trainer ( DevOps Trainer provides a platform for free link building and guest posting for trainers in the DevOps domain. Writers can share insights on training methodologies, gain backlinks, and connect with educators.
  9. Free eBooks ( Free eBooks offers free link building and guest posting opportunities for writers contributing valuable resources. Authors can share ebooks on various subjects, gain backlinks, and reach a wider audience.
  10. The DataOps Organization ( The DataOps Organization offers a platform for free link building and guest posting related to data operations. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a data-focused community.
  11. Gyan School ( Gyan School welcomes writers for both free link building and guest posting across diverse topics. Contributors can share expertise, engage with curious readers, and earn backlinks.
  12. Debug School ( Debug School focuses on programming and software development, offering free link building and guest posting opportunities. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with the developer community.
  13. Holiday Landmark ( Holiday Landmark invites travel enthusiasts for free link building and guest posting. Contributors can share travel experiences, recommendations, gain backlinks, and connect with fellow travelers.
  14. Bangalore Orbit ( Bangalore Orbit provides opportunities for both free link building and guest posting focused on the city of Bangalore. Writers can engage with local content, gain backlinks, and connect with an interested audience.
  15. Mera Apna Bihar ( Mera Apna Bihar offers a platform for both free link building and guest posting, showcasing the beauty and stories of Bihar. Writers can share insights, earn backlinks, and connect with Bihar enthusiasts.
  16. Gujarat Orbit ( Gujarat Orbit encourages both free link building and guest posting, celebrating the essence of Gujarat. Contributors can engage with local content, gain backlinks, and connect with a Gujarat-focused audience.
  17. Mumbai Orbit ( Mumbai Orbit is a platform for free link building and guest posting related to the vibrant city of Mumbai. Writers can contribute local insights, gain backlinks, and connect with a Mumbai-focused audience.
  18. Kerala Orbit ( Kerala Orbit offers opportunities for both free link building and guest posting, celebrating the beauty and traditions of Kerala. Writers can share insights, engage with local content, and gain backlinks.
  19. Bhopal Orbit ( Bhopal Orbit provides dual opportunities for free link building and guest posting focused on the city of Bhopal. Contributors can engage with local content, share insights, and gain backlinks.
  20. Chennai Orbit ( Chennai Orbit invites writers for both free link building and guest posting, celebrating the city of Chennai. Contributors can share insights, engage with local content, and gain backlinks.
  21. Surgery Planet ( Surgery Planet provides opportunities for both free link building and guest posting related to medical procedures and treatments. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a medical community.
  22. My Hospital Now ( My Hospital Now offers dual opportunities for free link building and guest posting in the medical field. Writers can contribute insights on hospitals, healthcare technologies, gain backlinks, and connect with healthcare professionals.
  23. My Medic Plus ( My Medic Plus welcomes writers for both free link building and guest posting, providing informative content about medical topics and healthcare. Contributors can engage with a healthcare audience, gain backlinks, and share valuable insights.
  24. Best Cardiac Hospitals ( Best Cardiac Hospitals focuses on both free link building and guest posting in the cardiac health field. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with a medical audience interested in heart health.
  25. Best Cosmetic Hospitals ( Best Cosmetic Hospitals offers opportunities for free link building and guest posting in the realm of cosmetic procedures. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with an audience interested in cosmetic treatments.
  26. Best Dental Hospitals ( Best Dental Hospitals provides a platform for both free link building and guest posting in dental health. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with an audience interested in oral health.
  27. Best Eye Hospitals ( Best Eye Hospitals offers dual opportunities for free link building and guest posting focused on eye health and vision care. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with an eye care audience.
  28. Best Heart Surgery ( Best Heart Surgery focuses on both free link building and guest posting in the realm of heart surgery and cardiovascular health. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with a medical audience.
  29. Best Spine Hospitals ( Best Spine Hospitals provides a platform for both free link building and guest posting in spine health and treatment. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a medical community.
  30. Cancers Hospitals ( Cancers Hospitals offers opportunities for both free link building and guest posting, discussing various aspects of cancer care and treatment. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a medical community.
  31. Cancers Hospitals ( Cancers Hospitals welcomes writers for both free link building and guest posting in the realm of cancer care and treatment. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a medical community.
  32. Knee Hospitals ( Knee Hospitals offers dual opportunities for free link building and guest posting related to knee health and treatment. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with a medical audience.
  33. ProfessNow ( ProfessNow provides a dual opportunity for both free link building and guest posting. Contributors can share expertise, insights, career advice, and gain backlinks while engaging with professionals.
  34. Wakil Sahab ( Wakil Sahab welcomes legal professionals for both free link building and guest posting. Writers can share legal insights, advice, and gain backlinks while connecting with a legal-minded audience.
  35. Wizbrand ( Wizbrand offers opportunities for free link building and guest posting focused on branding and marketing strategies. Writers can share insights, creative campaigns, and gain backlinks within the marketing community.
  36. CMS Galaxy ( CMS Galaxy caters to content management and offers opportunities for both free link building and guest posting. Contributors can share insights, CMS expertise, web development tips, and gain backlinks.
  37. iReviewed ( iReviewed provides dual opportunities for both free link building and guest posting in the realm of reviews and recommendations. Writers can share insights, experiences, and gain backlinks within a consumer-focused audience.
  38. Stocks Mantra ( Stocks Mantra provides opportunities for free link building and guest posting focused on stock market trends and investments. Writers can share financial insights, market analysis, tips, and gain backlinks within the financial community.

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